
Here's What We Know About Our Bible Now

I am sure The Bible really came from God - in many revelations to many prophets, over many years and in many languages.

I do feel the Bible came from God to Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, John the Baptist and (of course) Jesus, peace be to them all.

BUT (there's always a "but" - Right?) But, I don't feel it is really with us now. So, my question is . . Where is ThE BIBLE NOW?

Bible Beginnings

Originally the Bible came from God in many revelations to many prophets, over many years - But, all in Semitic languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, and Ethiopic).

Bible Now

Now the Bible is no longer "Original". Thousands of pieces, parts of pages of many copies of copies of translations remain - in museums in the world. But not one single word, letter or dot from anything original.

Welcome to all who seek truth.

Peace - Shalom - Salam

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"The Bible Now"

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